Admission requirements
The ideal applicant has a true interest and attitude for Quantitative Finance and Insurance studies and has acquired in his/her undergraduate studies an array of quantitative skills and competencies which are necessary in order to satisfactorily engage in QFI program.
Applications are open to anyone holding or being close to obtaining a Bachelor degree (Laurea Triennale for students in Italian universities) or an equivalent/superior title, whose preceding studies include at least 15% of credits (27 CFU for Italian degrees) in any (one or more than one) of the following areas (disciplinary sectors for Italian degrees): Mathematics (MAT/*), Statistics and Mathematical Methods for Decisions (SECS-S/*), Econometrics (SECS-P/05), Computer Science (INF/01, ING-INF/*). These credits can be cumulated over multiple preceding studies (e.g., a Bachelor and a Master degree) and can include certified additional courses (single exams registered in addition to one's degree).
Applicants not satisfying the above prerequisites, should attend and certify individual courses belonging to one of the specified areas before applying. Applicants not yet holding the undergraduate title by the time of the application must be in a position to receive it not later than the final enrolment deadline (typically by the end of the following December).
More information is available on the "How to apply" webpage.